To enable AI-Managed Maintenance for the Entrata integration, we'll need access to all of the APIs under Maintenance for the communities you are onboarding:
- Maintenance > getInspections
- Maintenance > getInspectionTemplates
- Maintenance > getWorkOrderPickLists
- Maintenance > getWorkOrders
- Maintenance > sendWorkOrders
- Maintenance > updateWorkOrders
- Leases > getleaseDocuments
- Leases > sendLeaseDocuments
- Leases > moveInLease
- Leases > moveOutLease
- Leases > onNoticeLease
- Leases > sendLeaseActivities
Separately, you will also need to...
- Set up agents that will be responsible for each work stream:
- Resident questions
- Delinquencies
- Fill in resident knowledge bank
- Download Sidekick