Welcome to our Key Settings & Features Catalog for your AI agents. These settings help you get more from our platform—whether you're looking to increase efficiency, gain deeper insights, or to offer a more customized experience. This is not our exhaustive catalog, but a highlight of some common-setups and how to activate them.
Would you like your AI to continue contacting residents with balances after they’ve moved out?
Your Delinquency AI can follow-up with former residents. You can toggle on former resident settings in the AI portal via the checkbox and customize the former resident communication timeframe. Learn more about customization options in our Setting Up DelinquencyAI Article.
Would you like to set a minimum outstanding balance threshold? For example, residents with balances less than $50 are not followed-up on by your AI?
If you want your AI to ignore residents with balances below a certain threshold, please submit a ticket specifying the minimum threshold.