Maintenance issues are managed as settings within AI Portal. To add or edit maintenance issues, navigate to Settings > Resident > Maintenance.
Maintenance settings gives you maximum control over how issues are handled by your AI, so you can be confident that service requests are being handled according to your preferences. You can configure settings at both portfolio wide (organization level) or at an individual community level. Changes in the Default Settings view apply to all communities unless community-specific settings are enabled. To adjust settings for a specific community, select the community from the left sidebar.
Note that only Organization Admins can edit Maintenance settings.
Customize MaintenanceAI
At the top of the page, you can set three basic parameters for your Maintenance AI Assistant.
- Let your AI Assistant know if it should request permission to enter from residents requesting maintenance services. This information will be included in the AI-created work order.
- You can also choose if work orders should be submitted for connected emergency requests or lockouts. While these issues will be escalated on the spot, submitting work orders can create a record of these requests and increase visibility and awareness.
Maintenance Issues
In this section, you can log and manage various maintenance issues, guiding your AI assistant on how to respond effectively.
We provide a pre-filled list of 400 maintenance issues with designated escalation types based on industry standards. To add a new issue, select "Add Maintenance Issue" and specify the details and preferred handling method.
Maintenance issues will be saved in Knowledge as read-only entries. This means your team will be able to search for and review how maintenance issues will be handled, but will not be able to edit them within Knowledge.
Note that maintenance issues cannot be deleted once entered. Instead, set the issue's escalation type to Resident Responsibility. This will ensure that your AI Assistant does not submit work orders for these types of requests.
Select a level of escalation to help your AI understand when an issue should be escalated as an emergency. There are four levels to choose from.
- Emergency: The AI will always escalate the issue to your emergency on-site maintenance team.
- Emergency Only Upon Request: Your AI will only escalate if the resident requests to do so.
- Resident Responsibility: Your AI will not submit a work order or escalate an issue. Residents will be informed that this is an issue they will need to address and that a work order has not been created.
- Routine Maintenance: The AI will submit a work order and never escalate to the emergency maintenance team.
Issue, Category, & Location
When choosing an issue type, category, and location, you can select from the existing list or add new entries as needed.
Resident Self-Help Instructions
Include Resident Self-Help instructions if you would like your AI to guide residents on solving the issues themselves. For example, you may want residents reporting Wi-Fi issues to restart their router, or try disconnecting and reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network.
Select Add Issue to save. You can return to Maintenance settings to add or edit issues at any time. You can search for a specific issue, or filter by escalation, location, category, or issue.