These are steps for setting Entrata for EliseAI to have have access to your properties. If you have any questions, you can contact support here.
Add MeetElise as a User in Entrata
If you are a first time customer with EliseAI, you will need to take this step. Otherwise, you should already have MeetElise added as a user.
- On the top of the page, click on Apps
- Then, in the dropdown, click API Access
- On the top right hand corder of the page, click on "+ Add API user"
- Search for MeetElise → Enable Access to “MeetElise”
- Set the permissions and properties you will be adding
Provide MeetElise Entrata Credentials
If you are a first time customer with EliseAI, you will need to take this step. Otherwise, we should already have your Entrata credentials saved.
- On top the top of the page, click on Apps > API Access > Manage "MeetElise"
- Go to the Credentials Tab
- Copy Credentials and enter them into the page
Note: DO NOT generate a new password if you have already created a user. This means we will lose access to your properties
Enable API Access for MeetElise
- On top the top of the page, click on Apps > API Access > Manage "MeetElise"
- Go to Property Access Tab > Add each Property to Entity
Go to Web Service Permissions Tab > Check off the appropriate APIs
- getLeadEvents
- getLeadPickLists
- getLeads
- getMitsLeads
- sendLeads
- sendMitsLeads
- updateLeads
- getCalendarAvailability
- getFloorPlans
- getProperties
- getPropertyPickLists
"Property Units"
- getAmenities
- getMitsPropertyUnits
- getPropertyUnits
- getSpecials
- getUnitsAvailabilityAndPricing
- getUnitTypes
- getLeaseArTransactions
- getMitsLeaseArTransactions
- getCallLogs
- getEvictedLeases
- getExpiringLeases
- getLeaseDetails
- getLeaseDocuments
- getLeasePickList
- getLeases
- getMitsLeases
- getRentersInsurance
- onNoticeLease
- Note that we need access to this endpoint in order to push summaries
- "Pricing"
- "ARCodes"
- getInspections
- getInspectionTemplates
- getWorkOrderPickLists
- getWorkOrders
- sendWorkOrders
- updateWorkOrders
- getFinancialPicklist
We require these APIs to perform our core functionality. The APIs are only "get" as needed. We don't require "send".
Set up Community Agents in your Properties
- Go to Set up > Users & Groups > Users
Create an agent called "Meet Elise" if not created (first name, last name)
- Skip if you have already
Create an agent called "House House" if not created (first name, last name)
- Skip if you have already
- Go to the Assignments tab for the "Meet Elise" agent > click Edit Assigned Properties and add the Properties you are setting up. Repeat for "House House"
- Under Department, please select "Leasing" for both users
Set Meet Elise as Default Agent (24 hour step)
Note: Only complete this step the morning of launch! It will change the default agent in your system.
- Set Meet Elise as the default agent. Set up > Properties > Select Property
- Under "General", scroll down to "Leasing Agents".
- Make sure the Meet Elise agent is selected as the default.
- Ensure "Count Leads Assigned to the Default Leasing Agent as Unclaimed" is set to NO.
How do I resolve the "No categories in getWorkOrderPickLists" error?
- Your AI needs to know all work order categories in order to submit a work order for your residents. If you aren't sure how to set that up, please reach out to your Entrata representative for assistance.