Q: My Action Items page still shows outstanding items, what do I do?
This means you need to take certain actions before you can successfully launch.
- Go to the Action Items page
- Click on the Task Type for instructions to complete the Task
- Check off the item once complete in the Status column.
You can filter to specific task types like "Low Traffic", where the instructions will guide you on wha to do depending on your Launch Plan
Q: I'm not receiving Traffic, what do I do?
There are a few reasons why you may not be receiving traffic.
If your launch plan is Publish Numbers: Your ILS or website did not properly change your numbers. Please reach out to them to ensure that the numbers have been properly swapped. Give the number a test call and see if you can reach the AI.
If your launch plan is Redirect Traffic: Your providers did not properly redirect traffic to the EliseAI number. Please submit a follow up ticket or reference the instructions above. Give the number a test call and see if you can reach the AI.
Q: I successfully forwarded or published my Vanity numbers but I'm still not receiving Traffic
Step 1: Check if your pickup preference is "VoiceAI handles overflow when your leasing office doesn't pick up". Then proceed to step 2. This may be why we are not connecting.
Step 2: Make sure that your leasing office number is a direct number to your office. This number cannot have a phone tree or any recording such as "thanks for calling... etc."
A phone tree or recording will interrupt with our pickup detection and the caller will end up connecting to that number instead of going to VoiceAI as overflow.
Q: I don't have a direct leasing office number without a phone tree or audio
You can typically request that your phone provider removes the phone tree or creates a direct line. Please try that first.
If you absolutely cannot get a direct phone line, then please reach out to your CSM or implementation specialist or email support@meetelise.com. They will need to enable warm transfer.
Q: The AI is transferring calls to itself and is getting stuck in a loop
This means you are using the transfer number in your routing plan as the one that is pointing to the EliseAI number. Transfer numbers can never forward back to the AI.
You will need to create a backline number to use as the transfer number if you only have 1 office number that you are using to forward calls to the AI.