This article outlines the key metrics covered in your Quarterly Business Review (QBR). The QBR provides a comprehensive overview of how your AI Assistants for Leasing, Resident, and Voice are performing at your properties, focusing on the volume of work handled by the AI and the resulting time savings for your on-site leasing teams. By reviewing these metrics, you can assess the efficiency and impact of the AI on your operations.
Each metric is taken from a date range that will be included in the QBR deck.
Leasing Performance
Total number of leads engaged by your AI Assistant
Total number of leasing messages sent by your AI Assistant
Total number of follow-ups sent by your AI Assistant
Hours saved
Calculated by multiplying the number of messages sent by the average time an onsite agent would spend responding to a message (~5 minutes)
Total number of foreign language conversations
Including a breakdown of specific languages (e.g. 90% Spanish, 5% Mandarin, etc.)
Total number of tours booked
Includes all tours booked, including those booked by the onsite team or through online self-schedulers
Number of tours booked by your AI Assistant
Percentage of shows and no-shows
Percentage of "tour status unknown"
Status unknown usually indicates that an agent forgot to mark the tour status
After Hours
Percentage of leads reaching out after hours (handled by your AI Assistant)
Percentage of messages sent by your AI Assistant after hours
Number of messages sent after hours
Includes both reactive (your AI Assistant responding to incoming messages) and proactive (your AI Assistant sending follow-ups) messages
Note that your AI Assistant will not proactively reach out after about 8-9pm
Hours saved after hours
Your AI Assistant handling messages after hours frees up your team's time the following day
Agent Statistics (Handoffs)
Total number of leasing handoffs
Total number of leasing handoff resolutions
Resolutions are handoffs that have been fully resolved by your onsite team
Leasing handoff resolution rate
The amount of handoffs resolved can be used to identify engagement concerns for onsite teams
Early agent takeover rate
The amount of conversations that agents assign to themselves before your AI Assistant hands them off
This number should ideally be under 20%
VoiceAI for Leasing
Total number of calls answered by your AI Assistant
Engagement rate
The percentage of callers that engage in conversation with your AI Assistant
The remaining percentage includes callers that hang up within 10 seconds, meaning your AI Assistant has answered the call and introduced themselves but likely did not engage in conversation with the caller
Abandonment rate
The percentage of callers that hang up before the call is answered by either your AI Assistant or a live leasing agent
Percentage breakdown of caller types
This includes callers for leasing and resident, as well as the percentage of spam/vendor calls
Lead to tour conversion
Leads that schedule a tour through VoiceAI
Lead to show conversion
Leads that show up for their tour scheduled through VoiceAI
Handoff rate
Most VoiceAI handoffs are from callers insisting to speak to a human
Handoff missed rate
The percentage of handoff calls that are not answered by the onsite team
Hours saved
Calculated by multiplying the number of calls by the average call duration (45 seconds)
Cost saved
Based on a 45 second call duration average and the average wage for your onsite team
Resident Performance
Total number of resident handoffs
Total number of resident handoff resolutions
Resolutions are handoffs that have been fully resolved by your onsite team
Resident handoff resolution rate
The amount of handoffs resolved can be used to identify engagement concerns for onsite teams
Delinquency Performance
Total number of delinquency messages sent by your AI Assistant
Hours saved
Calculated by multiplying the number of messages sent by the average time an onsite agent would spend responding to a message (~5 minutes)
Total amount of money collected from delinquent residents after your AI Assistant sent a payment reminder
Does not include amount collected by your onsite team
Total number of residents that submitted a payment after the first reminder by your AI Assistant
Percentage of conversations taking place via SMS and via email
To maximize resident response rates, your AI Assistant will alternate between SMS and email reminders if the resident does not respond
Percentage of SMS engagement rate and email engagement rate
Typically, email engagement rates will be lower than SMS
Maintenance Performance
Number of work orders submitted by your AI Assistant
Number of Google review links sent
Your AI Assistant will only send links to request a Google review if the resident expresses gratitude or satisfaction with the service after a work order has been completed
If a resident is unhappy or does not respond following the completion of the work order, your AI Assistant will not send a Google review link
Number of emergency maintenance calls
Top work order themes
For example: Air conditioning, toilet, general in-unit
Time and Cost Savings
Total hours saved for each product: Leasing, Voice, Resident, Delinquency, and Maintenance
Total cost savings
Calculated by totaling the cost savings for each product