Complete the steps in this guide to finish Knowledge Setup in your Launch Status page.
The questions in the Knowledge Setup tab are the most common questions received by your AI Assistant. This is required information before launch to ensure that your AI has the knowledge to interact with your prospects and residents.
Additional knowledge (not required for launch) can be configured on the Knowledge page in app.meetelise.
Enter knowledge directly into the table. You can edit in line and then drag/drop information across columns, or bulk copy and paste across multiple columns and rows from Excel/Google Sheets.
Examples of each piece of knowledge can be found by mousing over the column header.
If a piece of knowledge does not apply to your community, please enter "This does not apply", "Please check with the leasing office", or something similar. Do not leave cells blank. Cells left blank are considered incomplete.
Red cells indicate missing knowledge. These cells will turn white when knowledge has been entered. The progress percentage in the upper right indicates the total completion status of all required knowledge across the communities currently being viewed.
To adjust the communities in view, use the filter options in the upper left of the page.
Consolidated Knowledge Form
The Knowledge Setup tab has both Expanded and Consolidated views. Expanded view is the default, but the Consolidated view can be selected at the top of the page.
The Consolidated tab allows you to view the Knowledge Setup status and Knowledge points of contact for multiple properties at once.
Knowledge Setup can be completed for individual buildings through the building-level forms, accessed by clicking "Copy Link" and opening the link in a new tab. Pieces of knowledge added to the form will populate in the Expanded view table.
When you add a Knowledge point of contact for a property, they will automatically be sent a link to the building-level knowledge form.
Best Practices for Entering Knowledge
Generally, there are no hard and fast formatting rules for inputting pieces of knowledge.
However, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
Knowledge can be entered as incomplete sentences, bullet points, or links. Your AI Assistant will use common conversation language to craft sentences based on the information you provide.
Whether your AI Assistant repeats knowledge word for word depends on how the piece of knowledge is entered. If you choose to enter knowledge as a full write-up with complete sentences, your AI Assistant will likely repeat the write-up as-is. Otherwise, your AI Assistant will piece together bits of knowledge using common conversation language.
Length and Level of Detail
While there is no length limit for knowledge, keep in mind that the information is being sent over text and email. Precise details are good to include, but aim for concision to avoid overloading prospects and residents.
You can enter virtually any amount of detail into one piece of knowledge, but keep in mind that your AI Assistant will send the entire write-up when asked general questions.
e.g. If a prospect asks "What is your pet policy?" your AI Assistant will respond with the entire piece of knowledge regarding your pet policy.
If a prospect asks a very specific question answered within the longer write-up, your AI Assistant will only answer that specific question.
e.g. If a prospect asks "Is there a weight limit for dogs?" your AI Assistant will respond with only weight limit information, not the entire pet policy write-up.
Including language like "please contact the leasing office for more information" in pieces of knowledge will not trigger a handoff. Instead, consider adding the leasing office phone number to encourage prospects to reach out.
e.g. "Please contact the leasing office at ### for information about our pet policy."
Knowledge Walkthrough video: